嘉義漫時光 攝影展
Photography Exhibition

Celebrating the ninth year of our decade plan to explore Chiayi, this exhibition represents a unique journey through the landscapes of Chiayi. The plan is to spend ten years, having students from the Humanistic Photography Class engaged themselves in 500 settlements, capturing the essence of Chiayi's slow-paced lifestyle. They have endured scorching heat and severe cold, trekking through mountain peaks, coastlines, alleys, and countryside, observing with eagle-like precision. Each shutter click immortalized stunning moments, inviting viewers to savor the relaxing lifestyle of Chiayi.
This year’s special exhibition follows the flow of Pachang River, from Suishan, through Lutsao, Taibao, and Yichu, to its ultimate meeting with the ocean in Budai. The exhibit portrays the breathtaking scenery of the Chianan Plain, and through each captured frame, documents the legendary convergence of mountains and sea.
Robin Wei
王銘宏 MING hung-wang
余麗英 YU Li-Ying
吳士正 WU Shih-Cheng
吳素奕WU Su-I
沈政杰 SHEN Cheng-Chieh
周淑貞CHOU Carrie
林祐君LIN Yu-Chin
林偉智 LIN Wei-Chih
林謙宏LIN Chicn-Hung
林麗娟 LIN-Li-Chuan
洪嘉貞 HONG Jia-Jhen
胡永燦 HU Yung-Tsan
陳乃莉 CHEN Nelly
陳世昌 CHEN Shi-Chang
陳遜民 CHEN Hsun-Min
黃綺芳HUANG, Chi-Fang
董建霆 TUNG Chien-Ting
廖錦韻 LIAO Chin-Yun
劉品均 LIU Pin-Chun
鍾燕雲ZHONG Yan-Yun
23°27'34.1"N 120°17'30.7"E