Grandma’s Wedding Dress

The Nanjing Community of Shuishang Township launched the event of “Grandma’s Wedding Dress” to offer the belated wedding ceremony to the elders who had neither worn a suit or wedding dress not taken wedding photos in the past agricultural period.
The work represents the image of a couple tree through the folk art of red paper cutting in the festive style. The steel material further symbolizes lasting attachment and eternal vows. The tree is decorated with the “seed ornaments” created by the community to symbolize taking root and having many descendants. The work is like a gold-framed wedding photo album, inviting grandpas and grandmas to leave their charm and memory across generations in the fantastic art device.

CHEN Yan-ming
水上鄉|嘉義縣水上鄉南靖社區發展協會 、南靖國小
Co-creation Unit: Shuishang Township |Nanjing Community Development Association, Shuishang Township, Chiayi County, Nanjing Elementary School
藝術家暨種籽獵人夫妻檔陳彥名和郭金芬,帶來以萍婆(台語念「品膨」)愛心造型為主的種籽,搭配 桃花心木、松果等種籽,帶領社區長輩們製作成永結同心夫妻樹上,滿滿祈福的愛心果吊飾。每個愛心果小屋裡面都藏滿了由種籽寶寶裝飾而成的美滿景框,彷彿如同充滿幸福與能量的起點與源頭!
The artist and seed hunter duo, Chen Yan-ming and Guo Jin-fen, introduced heart-shaped seeds from the Common Sterculia (called "pin-pung" in Taiwanese), along with seeds from mahogany, pine cones, and more. They led community elders in creating heart-shaped fruit ornaments for the "Eternal Love Couple Tree," symbolizing blessings. Inside each heart-shaped fruit house, a beautiful diorama decorated with seed babies is hidden, representing the beginning and source of happiness and positive energy!
23°27'34.0"N 120°17'37.0"E